Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fresh new site!

*Still feeling lazy as fuck to make an intro, too bad. -Tech*


EdMaxx (AKA EDMX) here,

RL can be a real bitch, but since it's too overused an excuse for pretty much anything, nowadays, I'm pretty much up to my neck in whining from mTech... which might be a good thing.

For one thing, it means restructuring. In the days of yore, before Dask came along, all the cleaning, typesetting, and translating was done by ME. Given that I was that bored a few years ago, I can't say the same for myself, now, being somewhat more involved in my personal life.

After getting my shit together (and a thankful support from Dask, albeit rather forced), mTech and I decided to rearrange tasks and keep me as onboard translator, while he tries his hand on typesetting. Believe me, typesetting can be a bitch - and for that, I salute the brave bastard.

But long absences can mean a good thing. Admittedly, my Japanese in the past releases was equivalent to Keanu Reeves acting out a gay monologue in French... now, it's more like Steven Segal kicking balls like a god damn cockpuncher. Regardless, it's improved - quite like this group, to a certain extent.

So without further ado, we hope to bringing you more translations (and hopefully more meaningful ones, as well) like the mother f**king cockpunchers that we are.



Hello! Dask here!

A dedicated blog for our projects has long been planned, but due to our unaccounted circumstances plus our extraordinary unorganized persona as a team - we've been delayed greatly. Anyway, what's important is that we've finally gotten our mindset and are willing to do what we can in order to perpetuate releasing our translated work; and now that we have a blog, everything should be here in one place.

I'd start off with the introduction! I'm the newest member of the translation group (Tech pretty much forced me into it) and I'm responsible for cleaning and checking the quality. I have some adequate experience in photo editing (I use Photoshop CS5) so cleaning is not really a challenge but the hardest part is probably ensuring that I clean what needs to be cleaned. Truth to be told, I really am not into reading these sort of manga. I'm probably just doing it as a favor for these two. One last thing to mention: hopefully my college career doesn't get in the way. Cheers, fellas!


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