Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cry me a river bitch.

Quick summary of where we are standing at the moment... First, there will be no chapter 5 v2 because its readable and it nearly got expunged from E-Hentai so too bad. Second, we are planning to release another Amatou doujin soon (like before chapter 6 is out) and are in the midst of that at the moment. Third, since Evie came out for Vindictus, I've been playing virtually non stop. Dask has been busy with MW and doing his homework at the last minute. Ed is Q.Qing pretty badly about chapter 5 and needs to take the beads out. Kraut is just well.... being Kraut. Third, recommend us some doujins to translate by emailing them to and we will cherry pick the best, I'll make a new post after this for guidelines.

~No chapt 5 v2
~We are busy
~Give us porn to translate
~Ed needs to take the beads out, they are starting to smell

1 comment:

  1. At the very least, I hope the "beads" mean something in future releases. Translating is only half the package, so I just need you guys to deliver the other half. Regardless, look forward to chap 6, and every other chapter for each week to come.
