Friday, October 22, 2010

It's a logo.

What is it, you ask?  Our logo.  I made it and I don't care if the others thing it's silly.  I think it speaks of our  character, quite well.  The half-face that looks like it's going (-_-) is our working attitude, and it's like our brotherly love.  Example:

mTech: mm... wtf, make your script easier to understand kthx.
EdMX: F**k you, douche.  Use your common sense... even a kid can understand this.
Dask: Ahh... can you stop sending us an preview of your typsetting every minute?  I'm trying to play Modern Warfare, here...
mTech: Why the hell do they make their bubbles so buttf**k hard to typeset!
EdMX: Why are you such a prick?
Dask: Booyah!

If you think the logo looks like shit - boohoo, I'm sticking it in the next release.  Feel free to send in your requests once the requests link is up and running.  ~ EdMX


  1. I love that logo. I mean, what is ours? Ice cream. lol, now that's boring. But you got something going there.

  2. Haha, thanks man. I actually think the name "Team Vanilla" is just awesome. It's both witty and catchy. :)
