Friday, October 15, 2010

What is this I don't even...

I didn't feel like editing the first post to make this introduction because I felt like I deserved my own post for it. Too bad its going to be short.

Anyway I started / made / adhoc'd this group together awhile back because Ed was first learning Jap and was interested in practicing on translating touhou doujin originally to brush up on it... I think. I just offered him a Vocaloid doujin which I had my eye on and asked if he had any free time, could he do me this favor and translate it. Well, after that I asked him again for a full color doujin which he gladly accepted apparently if you base that on his staff notes he made ( I think he enjoyed that one ). Anyway, after awhile Ed started his RL shit which had him disappearing for WEEKS at a time which seriously slowed him down since he was still doing every role himself. That was around the time Dask and I started to offer to help out to get it finished faster ( Dask never really volunteered, more or less I gave him the job and he took it without comment ). I still have NO IDEA how to typeset yet since we JUST finished hammering out the jobs and are in the midst of arguing over me dropping TWO projects which I had chosen myself ( One because PhantomTranslations had necroposted it & the other because Ishikei tends to leave virtually no room for english typesetting ).

Promise the next release under this group will be ASAP. Script is already in my inbox but Dask is being a fucking cockbite and sitting on an editing / clean job which should only take about 10minutes. Faggot. -Tech

Actually, it started with mTech giving me mini sketches to translate - specifically parody sketches from Strike Witches.  Though I just gave him a rough idea of what was going on through our chats, he (being the jerk he is) insisted on me properly cleaning and typesetting the translations so he can "ENJOY" them.  Gullible as I was, I did it, since I had nothing better to do.  That was my first time cleaning or typesetting anything in my life - and for what it was worth, it was actually kind of fun.

A little tribute to the original translations mTech and I have done... ~ EMDX

EDIT : How the fuck do you still have those pictures? I totally forgot about them... -Tech


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