Sunday, February 13, 2011

[Update] Just an update...

I have a whole new respect for editors, now.  I've been crunching out hours working on redraws for a certain release - either because I don't know what the hell I'm doing, or it's really just THAT hard.  Either way, we're looking at four projects on the waiting list to be released.

As much as I'd like to continue churning out scripts to fill up the "backlog" that I was talking about in a previous post, I'm finding myself doing a lot of editing work on the side.  In addition, I've been elbowing some people here and there to help me with a certain something that will, hopefully, mean a more speedy release of a "you-know-what" that should have been done ages ago.  Yeah, that's my speaking in cryptic.

Oh, and I think Karma got to me.  Here I am, flapping my mouth of and saying how Tech has it bad with his computer crapping out on him a buhzillion times... and my laptop just so happens to crap out on me, as well.  Just the screen, though... and since it's already 6 years old, that's the senescence kicking in.  I can still work by plugging it in to a monitor, but my mobility (and flexibility) will be severely effected... 

Regardless, let's just say that there are a couple big things coming up.  Hopefully, we can bring them out without any hitches.  

So to my colleagues: "Get back to work!"