Tuesday, April 5, 2011

[Update] Now Loading...

I'm getting there, don't worry.

Besides being at the final stretch for the year (with paperwork and whatnot), things are proceeding as normal behind the gteam banner.  Though I wasn't able to bring out as many releases as I would've like last weekend, it's better than nothing, I guess.

Hopefully, I'll be back to regular translating come next week.  Otherwise, I've already offered myself as a staff in translating Oreimu PSP, but the project is stalled because the hacker is having a hard time extracting the scripts.  If someone out there would be so kind as to help the chap out - by all means, please do.  I'm pretty sure there's a good handful of you out there who'd love to play the game (especially since it features story lines AFTER the events of the "GOOD ROUTE" of the anime series)... so if you know someone, please send them flying over to that link. :D


  1. Good luck with the project. I'd love to see what happens after the GOOD ROUTE, among others. :D

  2. Been looking around some places to find help with the hacking. No luck yet but it's only been a few days. ^^

  3. Hi, the Chinese translation of the game is in the internal testing stage, which mean the hacking has been solved.

    Good luck on the hacking

  4. @Anonymous

    Does that mean that they have successfully extracted the scripts? If so, could you please link to where this translation is taking place. I would like to contact them for information on the hacking. It would be a great help as this would kickstart the english translation of the game.

  5. >>things are proceeding as normal behind the gteam banner

    Oh, I know full well what THAT's supposed to mean.

  6. @Anon 3:48

    I'm looking up more projects to work on the side, Ed is translating in the background and we are working on getting the editor shit fixed. Stay tuned.

  7. EdMX, I sent you a email already so hopefully you'll have read it! But if not, I will post here just in case.

    I have successfully gotten the scripts (after slaving over the files) for Oreimo PSP with help from kind users over at gemot encubed. One of the users extracted the script for us. Also, RoByte, the hacker, is back! That means he can do the rest of the hacking and I can take a break. =3

    Anyway, I uploaded the scripts onto the tlwiki page so if you want to look at them you can. Of course, RoByte still needs to do some testing with them to see if there are any problems like crashing or line length if you edit the script. Either RoByte or I will contact you to tell you when you can start your editing of the script, but what you might want to try is start translating and note the translation beside the original text and save. Don't overwrite the original as we still don't know if there are problems, but this project is getting started. :D

    Now we just need other staff. Text editors, Image editors, etc.
